I may sound like a moron to those of you who have kids but this is really HARD WORK. I used to think that an accomplishment was, say, completing an advanced degree or possibly getting a Fulbright Scholarship. Now I think an accomplishment is giving two babies a bath and doing some vacuuming while also keeping myself fed and reasonably clean. You can't keep too clean because babies always somehow get something moist on your clean clothes. Maybe spit up, maybe poop- who knows. I think that every year the local high school should have an awards ceremony for parents who make it through another year and keep their kids alive. Some official could call up each parent in the community and give them a gold star per child alive that year. I've only done this for a little over five weeks and already I think I deserve some sort of sticker- possibly even a scratch and sniff sticker- for my efforts. And I'm not even doing it alone! I have grandparents and a sister here almost every day helping me. And I have nice babies.
Week five was hard work- if you didn't catch that. The babies are thriving, but they had the dreaded "growth spurt" during which they needed to feed about every two seconds, and I ended up with double mastitis. I don't want you to feel bad for me. I want you to feel REALLY bad for me. (Hahahaha)
Despite my complaining, the Oliver and Liam are AWESOME and growing by leaps and bounds. Both boys can focus on faces and other objects, can track with their eyes, can push themselves up off of their chests when on their tummies, can hold their heads up, and both Liam and Oliver have started smiling from time to time. The other morning when I took Liam out of bed he gave me such a wide smile I almost tripped- it was fantastic! Even when they're fussing they're cute.
We had a lot of nice visitors in the last few weeks including all of the Grandparents who helped out tremendously. Shown are Babcia and Grampy Ivers. Also, Aunt Rachel, Aunt Lu and Uncle Ick and Cory, Brianna and Roghan Foster.
We also had our first few outings (other than walks around the block). First we tried Lauren and Erik's for some football action, and since we were highly successful, attended Oliver and Liam's Grand Uncle Art's 65th birthday party.
We are looking forward to a Thanksgiving at the Ivers and a Christmas at the Scherer's.
Let's toast to safe and healthy holidays and restful nights!