Monday, December 3, 2007

Two months is better than One

All is well in Baby Land. The boys are growing like crazy and are cute as buttons. The are strong little little guys and are keeping their necks up, standing with help, and thrashing about in general. Neither Oliver or Liam is smiling on demand yet, but I think they are both close. They are, however, extremely bright eyed and alert. They enjoy books, singing and mirrors (I think they think they're looking at their brother.)

For the past few weeks we have had very exciting visitors and visits. David, Siri and Elle Burin (David is Chris' oldest mate) came to visit during Thanksgiving week and we had a wild night of partying. Haha. We sat around talking about poop and breastfeeding. Their Elle is almost two and is an adorable pip.

For Thanksgiving, Chris, Amy, Liam, Oliver, Poppy and Lefty got in the van and traveled to Ithaca to spend the weekend with the Ivers. On the actual holiday, so many people wanted to hold the babies that Chris and I sat around like zombies. I don't really remember it but I know it was great. We had dinner with the Funke family, shopped on the Commons, and I had my first 5 full hours away from the boys while Babcia and Grampy babysat and bottle fed! Uncle Jonathan got to do some serious bonding with babies.

When we got home from our travels, we got an exciting first visit from our COUSINS, Johnny and Andy Scherer (and Uncle Joe and Aunt Katie, of course.) This was incredibly fun and the start of many adventures and mischief- making to come. Aunt Katie was helpful, as usual. Johnny brought his new Thomas the Train cars and he and Chris played with our train set. Andy sat and smiled like the chill and contented baby he is. And Uncle Joe brought us lunch. What a great visit!

We also had a fantastic visit with Aunt Lipa, Uncle Keith Jones and Chris Perry. Aunt Lipa turned 30 in late November and we wish her the best for her 30's!!!

Other than the unbelievably helpful visits from grandparents, Aunt Lauren and Uncle Ick, and Rachel and Tony, we had one more very exciting visit from Uncle Harry. He came in from New York during week seven for a music conference and was able to make a stop down to Geneseo to give Oliver and Liam Hannukah gifts and Russian voodoo medicine for me. He loved the boys and is now in much better graces than Aunt Dina, who stayed in NY for some reason (possibly she has a job and life but whatever...)

Here are the darling Liam and Oliver in their Christmas suits given to them by Gammy.

A bright eyed Oliver.