Merry Christmas and Happy 2008 to All! I'd like to start this blog with a short list of things that Chris and I never even imagined we'd be dealing with this year. I will title this list "Stuff That Chris and Amy Can't believe They are Getting Used To"
1. Spit up is a part of any fashion ensemble.
2. Discussions of poo, variations in color, texture and variety, have replaced passionate political talk around the house.
3. It takes 3 hours to pack the mini-van to go to an engagement down the street.
4. #3 on the list specifies that yes, we do have a mini-van.
5. Our lives consist of minutes between feedings.
6. A "blow-out" is no longer in reference to a flat tire, but instead requires a change of at least three articles of clothing.
7. We no longer think anything of the creepy pumping accessories permanently drying on the side of the sink.
8. Sleeping two three-hour stretches is considered totally fantastic.
9. We think a relaxing evening out at a restaurant consists of going to the zooiest possible environment so that our screaming children blend into the din of the surroundings.
10. Everyone in the world has seen my boobs and I'm not even getting paid extra like a Hollywood actress would.
We had a wonderful December. Oliver and Liam had a ton of visitors and their mom took them on their first day visit by herself to Julie Gambill's house. (It's way more difficult than it sounds
to take two infants and a dog anywhere by yourself in the winter.) The boys had their two month well-visit to the pediatrician and have gained a ton of weight and are quite healthy. They are only in the 5th percentile of size, but I am overjoyed by this as it is difficult enough to cart them around at 10 pounds a piece.
Liam and Oliver are getting more fun by the second. They are smiling like crazy, standing up on people's laps (or the dining room table), pushing themselves up while on their bellies, and in general charming the heck out of most sane people. It's very nice when in crowds to have two babies to hand out, so no one ends up bogarting the only baby in the room. And the boys seem to get along with each other very well. They are very content laying on their sheepskin together on the floor playing with toys dangling above them. Their sleep cycles are still unscheduled, but they are beginning to stretch in the night from time to time- up to 5 1/2 hours one night! They just keep getting better and better. Recently they look a whole lot like shaved ewoks when they cry. Is it bad to laugh while your children are crying?
Right before our Christmas marathon travels, we got a lovely visit from our friends Matt and Mimi O'Connell from South Carolina, who are planning on having a little Tiger Woods in June, 2008. Congrats! We were also visited by Kate Bailey (soon to be married lady) from San Francisco, and Jeff Difranco from Seattle. Apparently, Dr. Difranco recently had a mathematical operation named after him. It's called the Difranco Law or something exciting.
We spent the days leading up to Christmas and Christmas itself in Buffalo with the Scherer family. This was a very cool time because Joe and Katie Scherer (Amy's bro and sis-in-law) also have a baby- Andy- and a three and a half year old- Johnny. This lead to quite a bit of little boy havoc and tom foolery. The grandparents, parents and boys enjoyed themselves.

Also, Liam and Oliver were able to meet Aunt Megan for the first time. She flew in from her new home in Forks, Washington for the week. She and the boys are very fond of each other.
Oliver and Liam also met Aunt Sarah and her fiance Jake for the first time. They flew in for the week from Florida. (There's a picture of them with the family at the end of the post).
While in Buffalo, we celebrated the Scherer-Brent-Gambill-Ivers-Reinert Holidays. All I can say is that it was LOUD. The twins are certainly going to have to get used to
a chaotic, circus like environment while playing with this side of the family. Pictured are Uncle Chris (who BEGGED to get blogged) and Gracie Gambill. Chris and Cat have recently announced their impending bundle of joy- a baby girl???? due in June, 2008. Congrats!

7. We no longer think anything of the creepy pumping accessories permanently drying on the side of the sink.
8. Sleeping two three-hour stretches is considered totally fantastic.
9. We think a relaxing evening out at a restaurant consists of going to the zooiest possible environment so that our screaming children blend into the din of the surroundings.
10. Everyone in the world has seen my boobs and I'm not even getting paid extra like a Hollywood actress would.
We had a wonderful December. Oliver and Liam had a ton of visitors and their mom took them on their first day visit by herself to Julie Gambill's house. (It's way more difficult than it sounds
Liam and Oliver are getting more fun by the second. They are smiling like crazy, standing up on people's laps (or the dining room table), pushing themselves up while on their bellies, and in general charming the heck out of most sane people. It's very nice when in crowds to have two babies to hand out, so no one ends up bogarting the only baby in the room. And the boys seem to get along with each other very well. They are very content laying on their sheepskin together on the floor playing with toys dangling above them. Their sleep cycles are still unscheduled, but they are beginning to stretch in the night from time to time- up to 5 1/2 hours one night! They just keep getting better and better. Recently they look a whole lot like shaved ewoks when they cry. Is it bad to laugh while your children are crying?
Right before our Christmas marathon travels, we got a lovely visit from our friends Matt and Mimi O'Connell from South Carolina, who are planning on having a little Tiger Woods in June, 2008. Congrats! We were also visited by Kate Bailey (soon to be married lady) from San Francisco, and Jeff Difranco from Seattle. Apparently, Dr. Difranco recently had a mathematical operation named after him. It's called the Difranco Law or something exciting.

Also, Liam and Oliver were able to meet Aunt Megan for the first time. She flew in from her new home in Forks, Washington for the week. She and the boys are very fond of each other.
Oliver and Liam also met Aunt Sarah and her fiance Jake for the first time. They flew in for the week from Florida. (There's a picture of them with the family at the end of the post).
While in Buffalo, we celebrated the Scherer-Brent-Gambill-Ivers-Reinert Holidays. All I can say is that it was LOUD. The twins are certainly going to have to get used to

One of our happiest holiday moments is when Aunt Lauren unveiled her gift to Liam and Oliver- these unbelievable paintings for their room. The detail is totally amazing. In each painting, Lefty and Poppy (our cat and dog) are featured around the world doing fun activities: skiing in Nepal, practicing Yoga in India, eating noodles in China, going to Machu Picchu in Peru, protesting in Washington DC, etc. Lauren is one amazing artist and aunt.

From Buffalo we went to Ithaca to have holidays with the Ivers/Trinci/Charron family. Babcia-Babcia (Barb's mom) was finally able to meet her great grandsons. Pictured is a four generation photo- Babcia-Babcia, Regular Babcia, Chris and Liam and Oliver.
Oliver and Liam also met their Aunt MaryAnn and Uncle Tim Charron (Barb's sister and Brother-in-law). We had a fun and eventful time in Ithaca. The grandparents even let us go out for an extended lunch as they babysat and bottle fed.
Back home we got a visit from our friendsDan and Laura who are living in and being educated in Williamsburg, Virginia. They were really too good with babies to be baby-less for long.
For New Year's Eve, we attended a party at Lauren and Erik's place. For the past nine years Chris and I have hosted a party which has turned into quite an annual bash. We missed many friends who usually travel to Geneseo for the party: Karen Parker, Al Baby and Christy, Craig and Emily, Hao and Liz, and even Rachel and Tony who have now moved to Geneseo, but went back to North Carolina for the holiday. Happy New Year to you all and WE MISSED YOU!!! Maybe we can try again next year with babies???
The New Year party was very fun and very cool- Lu got all kinds of fancy cheese and wine. I drank a glass and almost passed out. The boys got held by all kinds of excellent friends and had a nice time as well. I actually made it to bed after midnight!!!! That's a first in a while.
(Pregnant Ca

Uncle Jonathan stayed and helped out the week after New Years and he had a great time bonding with Liam and Oliver. He is awesome with the boys! We're so happy (and grateful) that he took a whole week off of work to help out.
The boys joined us in celebrating Grandpa Scherer's 65th Birthday. Happy Birthday!!!!

The Scherer Family dignified and not so much at Christmas.