We are all eagerly awaiting the spring and its kinder temps so we can spend more time outside.
The boys are now enjoying their Johnny-Jump-Up (which we call the Oliver or Liam-Jump-Up thanks to Cousin Johnny Scherer) and the exersaucer.
Dad got a really fun toupee!
We had some exciting visitors this month, including Uncle Jonathan, Rachel and Tony, Lauren and Erik and of course the Grandparents who all came to help out. One weekend, we had our new friends Tania, Scott and Dominick over for dinner. Luckily, the boys thought this was a great time for a screaming fit. As you can see, Dominick was stressed out. He hit the bottle pretty hard that night. This picture will hopefully find its way to social services so the proper authorities can see what Dominick is doing to his parents.
We had another adventure with Tanya and Dominick this month too called "The Ill-conceived Idea to get Professional Photographs Taken with Twins." All I'll say about this adventure is that:
1. Sometimes I overestimate my abilities.
2. Tania is a VERY good friend.
3. Dominick is a VERY well behaved baby.
4. Oliver LOVES to puke in public places.
5. My babies enjoy screaming sometimes.
6. The reader will not get copies of the photos taken.

The other time we saw Cat and Chris is when the boys went on their first retail trip. Cat and I traipsed through the Greece Mall as I gave the boys a lecture on the evils of rampant consumerism and then bought a bunch of stuff. Thank goodness Cat was there because I totally forgot that normal people are not accustomed to babies crying.

Some other news for this month:
- Dina and Harry Marenstein are expecting their first babe in August! Hearty congrats to them.
- I started doing something other than child rearing- I subbed for a couple of Yoga classes at Sweetbriar. It was great to teach something other than rolling over and grabbing rattles.
- The boys tried their first rice cereal and it did not go so well. We'll try again next month.
- The boys finally made it into their 3-6 month clothes! Please note the exciting Che, Bruce Lee and skater-punk onsies. And in case you can't tell Oliver and Liam apart, I generally dress Liam in blue and Oliver in red.
- Poppy turned 3, Sarah turned 26 and Lauren turned almost 30. Happy Birthday!
- Chris and Tony's Beer Making cottage industry is going very well. Hopefully, this will turn into a full time gig for both of them and Rachel and I can quit our jobs to taste test the product. Chris keeps trying to assure me that making his own beer is cheaper in the long run, which seems in direct contradiction to the steady stream of beer making equipment streaming into both of our households. Interestingly, if you ask Tony, Chris bought the new stuff. If you ask Chris, Tony bought it.
- A shout out to Vixie B for making it through eleven weeks with her Ayla- keep up the good work.
- Another shout out to Katie Scherer for doing a wonderful job through NINE months with Andy- WOWZERS!
- A last shout out to Meggie Scherer for staying alive for another whole month. Nice work.