Wednesday, April 16, 2008

In the Blink of an Eye, Six Months Went By

Time is flying by- I'm not kidding when I say I blinked and Liam and Oliver are suddenly six months. And counting... The boys are starting to get pretty fun and much more interactive. They both sit and stand with help, smile all the time, laugh at the weirdest things, babble a great deal, drool an even greater deal, puke, have poop blow outs, hold and manipulate things in their hands and pass objects from hand to hand. Oliver has taken to rolling up in a ball and playing with his feet while Liam stretches as long as he can and does backbends and squirms like a (very adorable) worm. In fact, I've decided to start incorporating a word of the month for each boy. This month's word of the month for Liam is SQUIRMY. And this month's word for Oliver is MOIST.
At the six month well visit at the pediatrician, we found out that the boys are healthy and thriving, albeit a tiny bit small. At almost 15 pounds each, they are in the .3rd percentile for height, the 9th percentile for weight and the 28th percentile for head size. Hhhmmmmm. You can insert your own funny haha here. Anyhoose, let's just toast to the fact that they are still ON the chart and also that they are not in the 99.3rd percentile in weight as that may hobble their poor momma.

We had a month of exciting firsts, highlighted by the two major holidays. On St. Patrick's Day, we packed up Liam and Oliver and headed to Rochester for the big old parade. We met up with Aunt Lauren and then Tania, Scott, Dominick, and Tania's sister and her family. The weather was (shockingly in Western New York) cooperative and the boys were able to see such Irish favorites as kilted men playing bag pipes and curly headed girls tap-dancing their way down the street. And of course no St. Paddy's Day would be complete without a trip to the bar!! I was feeling a bit of guilt about taking 5 month old babes to a bar until Tania, my wholesome, untattooed, Mid-Western friend, told me that it is not only normal to take your kids to bars in Wisconsin, but it is weird NOT to. So, we went to the Old Toad for a pint and toasted the Irish in all of us. Then Aunt Lauren cooked us an Irish feast of corned beef and cabbage. mmmmmm

For Easter, we packed up the fam and traveled to Ithaca to visit the extended Ivers clan- including some Funkes, Pellerins and a Streich. We had a wonderful afternoon and enjoyed seeing friends and family until the boys had a strike and started picketing about their change in conditions. This was the most thorough and loud melt down to date and we were glad everyone understood that we had to hightail it outta there a little early. Please note the picture of Babcia Babcia enjoying her great grandson.

The boys went to their first sit down restaurant this month and did a beautiful job of staying happy. Rachel, Tony and Aunt Lauren joined us at the King and I for a lovely Thai meal. Speaking of food, the boys have successfully started eating solid foods. We attempted rice cereal again this month to no avail, and so skipped right to carrots and then squash. Not only do Oliver and Liam enjoy the food, they eat it like little sharks- they can't get enough! Next month we'll try a different type of cereal, but for now these babes are hard core vegetarians.

We had a lot of fantastic visitors this month including the Great Spoiler of Little Boys, Aunt Lipa and her Chris Perry. She bought them the most stinking darling clothes including the driving cap Oliver has donned for the photo. Speaking of clothes, let me just tell you that if these boys had been girls, we would be bankrupt. The clothes they sell for little girls are gut-wrenchingly cute and my daughter would own every dress, bathing suit and hat that has me going grotesquely gaa-gaa in the store. Thank goodness for little boys.

Some of my friends from school came to visit Oliver and Liam- Pictured is Kathy Valentine who watched the dog whisperer before her visit.

Some other highlights of this month:
  • Chris turned 34 and is now officially old
  • Happy birthday also goes out to Brian Gambill, Lisa Brent, Cat Brent and Gracie and Jonathan Gambill
  • I am so totally late sending this out I'm going to end now
  • Next month is so awesome (I know because we're halfway through it) so if you didn't like this month, keep reading anyway.