Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Second Half of 2010

Sitting in my kitchen looking out at the near blizzard-like conditions out, it is very hard to believe what a sultry summer it was. This was the best summer yet! Oliver and Liam are becoming little boys- rather than toddlers- who make life so much more hilarious than ever before. They constantly astound me with their growth, both physically and intellectually. Just yesterday, the boys were having a lively debate over which was better: the Yankees or Red Sox. To be clear, their father and I know that these two teams play a sport named baseball, but that's about the extent of our knowledge. Curious fellows.

Both Liam and Oliver seemed to deeply enjoy the summer and fall. They are starting to swim and boat, splash about in the water, build forts, walk and hike for longer periods, and most recently, sled. Despite all of this, we are not quite potty trained, but I'll not talk about that. (Although, why children who can wake up in the middle of the night, neatly throw-up into a bucket, wipe their face, and return to sleep cannot seem to use the toilet is beyond Chris and me.) It is unlikely, however, that they will attend college in diapers.

Oliver and Liam have various new songs and sayings that keep the adults in their lives laughing and entertained. They learned a strangely misogynistic song at daycare about a mommy and daddy duck calling their ducklings back from a swim, and they sing it with high and deep voices. Liam constantly asks what is going on by saying "what's that about?" Oliver is a jokester who uses silly voices and enjoys dressing up as a superhero.

Oliver does not like leaving school. He puts up quite a fight. So the other day, his father took Liam home and left Oliver at school a while longer. The hope was that Oliver would learn the error of his ways and be super excited when Chris picked him up. This did not occur. Oliver was still "frustrated" about leaving, and proceeded to tell our friend Scott, who was there picking up Oliver's friend Dominick, that his Daddy was going to leave him at school, "again." Aren't we awesome parents!!!

I recognize that I spent a lot of time in the last blog relaying scandalous stories of the boys' fascination and preoccupation with their penooses. This has yet to abate. Recently, as the boys were getting into the car outside of school, they saw a man walking (within hearing distance) and they explained "he's a boy, he has a penoos." When a woman subsequently walked by, they began a debate as to what her physique included, at which point I started to sing loudly to them.

Also dealing with the human anatomy, Liam recently was in the same room while I was changing for a run, and he innocently asked if I had wings. I assured him he was spot on, all women have wings. (They've been called worse!)

A few more boy antic dotes:
  • Oliver became Ah-va-va-va-va-va for a while
  • Oliver's favorite ice cream this summer was "pink"
  • Oliver: "Let the sun out of the house to dry the rain"
  • Liam: "How do I turn my penis on" (while attempting to pee on a tree)
  • Mom: "Hi Oliver" Oliver: "NO! I'm a big, scary bear!"
  • Liam: "Buckle up, Papa Bear!" (To Chris for no apparent reason.)
  • On our way to school, going past the salt mine, Liam: "Look! The Salt Man!" Oliver chimes in: "And 'struction vehicles!"
  • Oliver finds dragons and giants in any "forest" he sees- forests may consist of 3 or more trees
  • Liam to me one morning: "What a beautiful dress, Mama!"
  • Since both Chris and I listen to NPR during the morning commute, the boys insist that we listen to the news on weekend mornings.
  • Oliver, whispering in my ear: "Mommy, you're my best."

July and August were blurs of verdant activity. We had our regular blast at the Brent's cottage on Conesus Lake on the 3rd. The Pittsburgh Scherer's stayed at our house and we had a great time playing with Johnny and Andy!

Soon thereafter, I took the boys and Tia Lu to the Ivers' cottage in the Catskills for a whole week! Of course, the boys immediately got sick. Pictured somewhere on this blog is the boys having a tandem temper tantrum on my lap during the sick part of the week. Even through the illness, we had an idyllic time. Babcia and Grampy did all sorts of fun activities with the boys, including fishing, throwing stones into the dam and swimming. Lu and I were able to get out on our own a few times to swim, run and lunch in town. Gammy and Pop Pop Scherer even visited for a few days of kayaking and swimming and eating too much. Liam and Oliver were terribly spoiled by their Aunt Judy and Aunt Pat.

The boys enrolled in a gymnastics program with their bud Dominick this summer and enjoyed all of the events- but especially the trampoline. The three of them were naturals- one of them will certainly be the next Mitch Gaylord.

We spent a lovely day in downtown Ithaca visiting Zio Jonathan with Rachel and Aunt Lipa in July. Zio J took the boys to the Ithaca Science Center and then to the Moosewood for good food and terrible service.

Sadly, the weekend we were supposed to spend with the Marensteins in NYC, I got ill. We missed you!! But a huge congrats to Harry, Dina, and Simon who will be welcoming another boy to the family this spring!

The other big vacation we took this summer was to the high peaks region of the Adirondacks, where we spent a whole week in a house with our friends hiking, running, swimming, kayaking, biking, and eating waaaaaaaaaay too much really, really good food. The Giorgises, Bailey-Jonses, Laablens, Reinerts and Iverses, along with a brief appearance by Zio Jonathan, gathered at the "Green House" (also pictured somewhere) and had one of the best weeks I've ever had. Liam and Oliver were in heaven- they climbed up two mountains, swam in the Ausable River and Mirror Lake, hiked into Unicorn Falls, and chilled with their peops. (Their peops= Lena, Dominick, Elena and the soon to be Eva.)
The adults also had fun. Well, a little too much fun. We possibly should have scaled back a little. It's just that when you have people bringing kegs of home brew and amazing cooks splitting up meal prep every night, things tend to get out of hand.
Anyhoose, we've already booked a week this coming summer.

Also that week, Chris and I celebrated our 9-year anniversary. Shocked? Me too.

Labor Day weekend we saw our old and dear friends: Craig and Emily with their darling twin daughters Stella and Astrid; and Hao and Liz. We spent the weekend in the Catskills, again, eating really good food and catching up. Zio Jonathan also joined us- and we even got to share our lobster and clam fest and Mexican feast with Aunt Judy, Marty and Aunt Pat. Let's not wait so long next time, huh?

The fall was a blur of events and work. I (possibly stupidly) took on the roll of York Teacher's Association President this year and have had a mild (haha) increase in work. Also, I ran in two half marathons. One was the Rochester City half and full Marathon, in which Tania ran the FULL in an absurdly low time. Professor Laabs and I ran the half, and he mercifully stayed with me for almost 10 miles, entertaining me before running quickly away to also finish irritatingly fast. The second race was the beautiful Niagara Falls half and full marathon, and Tania, Ben Tania's 72-year-old father (!!!) and I all ran the half. The race took us just along the Niagara River and finished at the falls. I'll definitely do it again!

Chris was also quite busy dealing his successful attempt at getting the Allegany Jail accredited and contending with the election of a new sheriff. All is well thus far with the newly elected boss.

Also during the fall, we had an opportunity to hang out with the whole Scherer family for a day at a pumpkin farm. Uncle Joe, Aunt Katie, Johnny, Andy and Aunt Sarah came in for Columbus Day weekend and we spent a lovely time climbing on pumpkins and watching Johnny try to win a pie-eating contest.

You can also see photos from our annual birthday trip to the Apple Farm- Happy Birthday to my September bday friends Tans, Scott and Kim!

On October 11th, Oliver and Liam turned three!!! (And Gammy also had a birthday.) We threw a party at our home with friends and family and a train cake (thanks for the help, Lipa!) How can these boys be three?

My sister Lauren is pregnant! BREAKING NEWS!!! Lauren gave birth to Eva Pepper Reinert on February 3rd. Mom and baby are both doing well, and Eva was a shocking 8 pounds, 9 ounces. The doctors had a good laugh when they pulled the baby out- she seemed as big as her Mom! I look forward to spending the rest of my years getting to know my beautiful little neice!

Katie, Sarah and I threw Lauren a party in November. The boys and dogs went to the Giorgeses and the rest of us stayed, ate food, and hung with good friends. Congrats and best of luck Reinerts!

Thanksgiving was a great time as usual. We did the Scherer Thanksgiving in Buffalo with Aunt Nancy, Gammy and Pop Pop, and the McGinleys. We went to Ithaca the following weekend to spend time with the Iverses, Aunt Judy and Marty, the Funkes and the Pellerins. The highlight was meeting Keith and Annette's firstborn Collin- what a peanut. Babcia and Grampy got to spend some quality time with Oliver and Liam when they kicked the "adults" out of the house on Friday. We nursed our sorrows away by shopping with Greg, Chris, Max, Cameron, and Annette, (well, Max and Cameron went for the soft drinks.) Some went home at a reasonable ting, but we managed to keep Keith and Rene until far too late. Great to see you all!

Christmas was also a great time. We did Christmas in Buffalo first with a small but cheery crowd. The boys missed doing Christmas morning with Johnny and Andy, but were so spoiled with attention and fun toys that they made do. For Christmas dinner, we went food crazy. Chris, Erik, Lauren and I made a dinner to feed about 100 people. Too bad we had already stuffed ourselves with appetizers. Aunt Nanny came, as well as our friend Ben, and we laughed and played games far into the night.

The next day, we travelled to Ithaca for Christmas with the Ivers and Aunt MaryAnn and Tim. There we also ate well, and Liam and Oliver were spoiled with musical instruments, books, games and toys. Again, Grampy and Babcia kicked us "adults" out so they could play with the boys. We were forced to go to the Commons and eat and drink with Rene. Happy Birthday, Rene!!

We were able to catch up with Joe, Katie, Johnny and Andy after Christmas for some spectacular sledding. All four boys are amazing sledders, and they gave the adults- even a very pregnant Tia Lu- the exercise of running after sleds before they hit trees and other sundry solid objects.

New Year, 2011 saw a party at the Ivers. Missing were several key players, but we were still able to have a wild time. We even skyped with the Girdwood/Allen/Nguyen party. Happy 2011 everyone! We hope this year brings peace and prosperity!

A few shouts out:
  • Happy 25th Anniversary, Dan and Maggie!
  • Happy 1st birthday, Elena!
  • Congrats to Nancy Mahlen on her 5th advanced degree!
  • Congrats to Erik who completed his 1st Highlander bike tour
  • Thanks to Aunt Nanny who spends many Fridays playing with Liam and Oliver
  • Congrats to Tony and Chris who graduated from their Chicago Beer Camp, and plan to start brewing soon
  • Congrats again to Lauren and Erik on the arrival of Eva Pepper!
  • To our sweet Lefty cat who was the best pet a person could ever ask for. She was with our family for 10 1/2 years, and left suddenly at Thanksgiving time. We'll miss you!
Happy Spring!

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